BEE BEE SEA (IT) – psych garage

Date : January 18, 2018
Début : 22:00
“Sonic Boomerang: Is that, like, Sonic the Hedgehog’s new weapon? A new shake from that burger drive-in? Psychedelic punk-rock whipped into the abyss and returned with aerodynamic force?
On the title track from Bee Bee Sea’s new album, you get 10 seconds before the drums kick into a motorik rhythm — a psychedelic speedway rammed through by the frenetic spit of punk. Bee Bee Sea makes a kind of revved-up garage-punk leaked from the mutant brains of Thee Oh Sees and Black Lips — bands with which the Northern Italian trio has toured — with a little bit of The Cramps’ psycho-surf and Can’s hypno-funk. For the next five minutes, don’t take your hands off the wheel — you might fall into a pit of stabbing guitars or heavy tides of rolling bass.” NPR Music
“Bee Bee Sea, c’est un groupe italien qui sait tout faire. Ou presque. Originaire de Castel Goffredo, il a fait paraître son deuxième album le 17 novembre dernier, faisant suite à un premier essai paru en 2015. Il est plutôt brut, plutôt très bien produit et plutôt extrêmement mélodique, tout ce que l’on veut dans un bon album de garage”